Dragon Moon Curse

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The Dragons and the Dreaming Giants have been at war for many ages. When the Dragons discovered their presence on Tellan, they attacked. The Weavers helped to defend the giants, directing their magic against the invading Dragons and thwarting them. Many died on both sides, but the people who inhabited Tellan suffered most of all.

The Dragon Moon Curse came about when Prince Aurick of Tellan (an ancestor of Varian) went to Cloudburst, the King of the Dragons and pleaded for mercy for his world. Cloudburst decided the Dragons would be best served by a Prince who was willing to keep the giants sleeping peacefully on Tellan, and away from the war the Dragons were fighting. So Cloudburst offered mercy in the form of a curse: The Prince of Tellan must present an heir, a child of a Dragonmarked princess chosen by the Dragons as the ruler of Tellan. By means of their prophetic vision, the Dragons were able to choose women whose children would act honorably, keeping the giants quiet and maintaining a kind of truce between the Giants and Dragons.

This entry is from the works of Nancy S. and Steven R. Brandt