Complete List of Exalted Warriors
From MediaWiki
The complete list of Exalted Warriors is as follows:
- Grayskin
- Daggerwielder I
- Swordthruster I
- Dragonfoot I
- Redguard I
- Moonstone I
- Fireshield
- Shadowflight I
- Birchheart I
- Hardguard I
- Knifethrower I
- Macethrower I
- Elmbranch I
- Stillflower I
- Silversaber I
- Whitegarden
- Graybody
- Diamondpike I
- Moonbird I
- Grayring I
- Saberthrower I
- Whiteblade
- Axewielder I
- Blackmace
- Diamondhammer
- Shadowfingers I
- Fireflower I
- Jadepike
- Nighteye
- Greenspot I
- Bronzedagger
- Birchtree
- Stoneknife I
- Slighttouch
- Birchgold I
- Bloodclub
- Beechbranch
- Fireworm
- Goldberry
- Macethrower II
- Graymace
- Spearwielder I
- Pikewielder I
- Pantherhunter
- Oakheart I
- Strongblade I
- Firegarden
- Stonespear
- Birchbranch I
- Eldertree I
- Dragonhunter
- Nimblemover
- Saberthruster I
- Oaksilver I
- Spearthruster I
- Spearthrasher I
- Jadearrow
- Beechsilver
- Dragontrainer I
- Skullblade I
- Clubwielder I
- Eldertree II
- Cedartree
- Whitecloud
- Bloodsword I
- Firestaff
- Wolfchaser
- Slighthands I
- Greenwater I
- Fireberry I
- Goldstoke
- Moonstone II
- Moonguard
- Daggerthrower I
- Cedargold I
- Oakleaf I
- Lancethrower I
- Ghostflight
- Swordthruster II
- Staffwielder I
- Birchleaf I
- Whitespear
- Dragontrainer II
- Yelloweye
- Swordthruster III
- Graythorn
- Blueeye
- Grayring II
- Clubbreaker I
- Axewielder II
- Cedargold II
- Moonring I
- Axethruster I
- Stillguard I
- Daggerthrower II
- Goldblade
- Pikewielder II
- Clubthrower I
- Clevertouch I
- Goldearth
- Hardseed
- Arrowthrower I
- Dragonrod
- Strongshield
- Coolflower
- Yellowdagger
- Eldersilver I
- Stillcloud
- Spearbreaker I
- Diamonddagger I
- Daggerthrasher I
- Starsword
- Swordbreaker I
- Macethruster I
- Knifethrower II
- Lancethrower II
- Axewielder III
- Blackseed
- Arrowbreaker I
- Swifthands
- Coolberry
- Pikethrasher I
- Elmbranch II
- Saberbreaker I
- Jadespear
- Quickflight I
- Ironblade
- Bluecloud
- Clubbreaker II
- Redearth I
- Boneaxe
- Yellowrod
- Oakwood I
- Macethruster II
- Diamonddagger II
- Silverpike I
- Dragonfoot II
- Stonesword
- Elmsilver
- Moonsaber
- Dragonkiller
- Sunsword
- Strongring I
- Yellowstone
- Strongsaber I
- Moonspot I
- Shadowfingers II
- Stillspot
- Hardwater
- Birchheart II
- Skullblade II
- Bonehammer
- Saberthruster II
- Quickflight II
- Dragonherder
- Goldhammer
- Greenclub
- Swordthrower I
- Pikethruster I
- Starmark
- Swordbreaker II
- Goldmace I
- Lancethrower III
- Daggerthruster I
- Bloodshield
- Bluesword
- Oakgrove
- Lancethrower IV
- Yellowskin
- Ironarrow
- Elderheart I
- Cedargold III
- Yellowring
- Staffthrower I
- Clevertouch II
- Elmgold I
- Yellowford I
- Shadowthoughts I
- Moonlasher
- Birchgrove
- Moondagger
- Moonberry
- Cedarbranch I
- Daggerthrower III
- Yellowcloud
- Dragonslayer
- Swordthruster IV
- Nimbleflight
- Blooddagger
- Beechwood I
- Bronzemace I
- Blueheart
- Fireclub
- Redpike
- Shadowstep
- Swiftflight
- Beechtree
- Hardskin
- Greenseed
- Strongring II
- Skullspear
- Redspear I
- Lancethruster I
- Quickstep
- Yellowgarden
- Greenblade I
- Clubthrower II
- Staffthruster I
- Firespot I
- Sunhammer I
- Darkskin I
- Bronzepike
- Ironsaber
- Oakknife
- Nimblestep
- Stillearth
- Knifebreaker I
- Coppersaber
- Ghosthands
- Quickflight III
- Oakring
- Arrowbreaker II
- Redguard II
- Greenwater II
- Traceflight
- Clubthruster I
- Greenland
- Slickstep
- Knifebreaker II
- Whitewater
- Clubbreaker III
- Smoothflight
- Smooththoughts
- Bluemace
- Oaksilver II
- Swordthruster V
- Clubwielder II
- Slighthands II
- Dragontrainer III
- Raventrainer
- Staffthruster II
- Pikethrower I
- Axewielder IV
- Pikethrower II
- Yellowhammer
- Littlethorn I
- Clubwielder III
- Swordthrower II
- Redford
- Beechgold I
- Beechgold II
- Ironsword
- Pikethruster II
- Lancethrower V
- Elmheart I
- Greenthorn
- Macethruster III
- Cedarbranch II
- Lancewielder I
- Boarslayer
- Irondagger
- Slickthoughts
- Coppermace
- Cedarheart I
- Copperring
- Strongclub I
- Saberwielder I
- Macewielder I
- Swordbreaker III
- Arrowthrasher I
- Pikewielder III
- Swiftthoughts
- Oaksword
- Diamonddagger III
- Daggerbreaker I
- Firerod
- Coolgarden
- Lionskinner
- Axethrasher I
- Yellowspear I
- Arrowthruster I
- Moonmace
- Fireearth
- Knifethrasher I
- Cleverflight
- Clubthrasher
- Knifethruster I
- Swordwielder I
- Goldguard
- Whiteclub I
- Ghostmover I
- Fireberry II
- Ironclub I
- Darkheart
- Yellowspear II
- Saberthrower II
- Axethruster II
- Bearskinner
- Oakspear
- Axethruster III
- Copperarrow
- Darkstone I
- Bearseeker
- Hawktrainer
- Blacksaber
- Knifethruster II
- Redarrow
- Oakleaf II
- Doomsayer
- Daggerthrasher II
- Hawkhunter
- Daggerbreaker II
- Cedargold IV
- Bronzemace II
- Daggerthruster II
- Macebreaker I
- Oakhome
- Bonemace I
- Goldwood I
- Fourshadows
- Saberthruster III
- Whiteclub II
- Grayheart
- Strongblade II
- Threeshadows
- Birchgold II
- Bonelance
- Spearwielder II
- Birchheart III
- Firethorn
- Goldarrow I
- Stonepike
- Lancethrasher I
- Lancethruster II
- Redhammer I
- Lancethrower VI
- Firespot II
- Moonworm I
- Shadowflight II
- Cedarleaf
- Moonlash
- Spearthrower I
- Elmheart II
- Grayhammer I
- Swordthrower III
- Moonspot II
- Axethrasher II
- Staffthrower II
- Greenford I
- Macebreaker II
- Skullmace
- Birchhome I
- Coolstone
- Staffthruster III
- Grayearth I
- Stillbird
- Bladesmith
- Whiteguard
- Hardthorn
- Beechgrove
- Strongaxe
- Bloodsword II
- Ghostmover II
- Cedarhome I
- Pikethrower III
- Strongclub II
- Spearbreaker II
- Saberthruster IV
- Bloodmace
- Firestick
- Grayshield
- Daggerthruster III
- Elderhome
- Fireflower II
- Birchleaf II
- Cedargrove
- Stillthorn
- Ghostthoughts
- Eldergold
- Birchgold III
- Goldskin
- Clubthrower III
- Ghoststep
- Birchhome II
- Clubthrower IV
- Whitewood
- Macebreaker III
- Redthorn
- Firesaber
- Arrowbreaker III
- Knifewielder I
- Diamondlance
- Graylance
- Moonstoke
- Eldergrove I
- Whitepike
- Daggerwielder II
- Birchwood I
- Greenford II
- Blueaxe
- Knifethrower III
- Macewielder II
- Pikethruster III
- Darkeye
- Beechwood II
- Hardcloud
- Staffthrower III
- Copperdagger
- Tinsaber
- Grayhammer II
- Birchhome III
- Goldstone
- Goldthorn
- Cedarwood
- Grayguard
- Macethrasher I
- Diamondclub I
- Swordbreaker IV
- Clubthrower V
- Knifethrasher II
- Elmbranch III
- Oakwood II
- Cedarheart II
- Greenstick
- Daggerbreaker III
- Redheart
- Shadowtouch I
- Redspear II
- Strongsaber II
- Goldarrow II
- Saberwielder II
- Stillflower II
- Grayface
- Blackarrow I
- Littleford
- Knifewielder II
- Greenguard
- Whiteford
- Stonemace I
- Quickflight IV
- Birchwood II
- Ghosteye
- Redguard III
- Stoneshield I
- Whiteheart I
- Elderwood
- Ghostface
- Firemace
- Grayclub
- Coolguard
- Blackearth
- Goldenaxe
- Darkskin II
- Axewielder V
- Moonhelm
- Moonknife
- Sunhammer II
- Daggerthrasher III
- Hardmorning
- Ironhammer
- Blackthorn
- Goldeye
- Macethrasher II
- Firering I
- Silverpike II
- Darkberry
- Moonarrow
- Firering II
- Goldseed
- Arrowthrower II
- Darkstone II
- Blueclub
- Firearrow I
- Graypike
- Knifethrower IV
- Redcloud
- Eldergrove II
- Copperspear
- Arrowthruster II
- Arrowthrasher II
- Redsword
- Beechheart I
- Stonehammer
- Hardwood
- Skullarrow
- Sunsaber
- Stonering
- Pikethrasher II
- Cedargold V
- Lancewielder II
- Saberthrasher
- Bronzeclub
- Bonemace II
- Copperhammer
- Pikethrasher III
- Elderbranch
- Jademark
- Macethruster IV
- Firepike
- Saberthrower III
- Macethrower III
- Grayford
- Bluethorn
- Yellowford II
- Bonemark I
- Copperhammer
- Ironclub II
- Jadestaff
- Clubwielder IV
- Diamondclub II
- Greenstaff
- Darkskin III
- Darkford I
- Staffthruster IV
- Cedarbranch III
- Elmwood I
- Darkskin IV
- Macewielder III
- Oakwood III
- Moonworm II
- Macethruster V
- Swordbreaker V
- Redwood I
- Axebreaker I
- Staffthruster V
- Hardeye I
- Saberwielder III
- Hardguard II
- Goldspear I
- Saberthruster V
- Moonring II
- Bloodpike I
- Swordthruster VI
- Littleflower
- Coppersword I
- Moonspot III
- Redearth II
- Axethrower I
- Spearwielder III
- Bluesaber I
- Oakheart II
- Fireeye I
- Graymark I
- Hardworm
- Saberthrower IV
- Shadowtouch II
- Yellowblade
- Elderheart II
- Grayearth II
- Greenblade II
- Bonestaff I
- Spearthrasher II
- Arrowbreaker IV
- Blueseed I
- Pikethrasher IV
- Phantomstep I
- Beechheart II
- Daggerbreaker IV
- Spearthrower II
- Starsaber I
- Stonemace II
- Hardeye II
- Spearwielder IV
- Macethrower IV
- Blackmark I
- Firering III
- Swordthrasher I
- Bluegarden I
- Staffthruster VI
- Staffwielder II
- Goldmace II
- Stilleye I
- Jadedagger I
- Stillguard II
- Daggerbreaker V
- Darkflower I
- Swordwielder II
- Oakmark I
- Beechleaf I
- Darkford II
- Staffthruster VII
- Cedarbranch IV
- Elmwood II
- Darkskin V
- Macewielder IV
- Oakwood IV
- Phantommover
- Moonworm III
- Macethruster VI
- Swordbreaker VI
- Redwood II
- Axebreaker II
- Staffthruster VIII
- Hardeye III
- Saberwielder IV
- Hardguard III
- Goldspear II
- Saberthruster VI
- Moonring III
- Bloodpike II
- Swordthruster VII
- Coppersword II
- Moonspot IV
- Redearth III
- Axethrower II
- Spearwielder V
- Bluesaber II
- Oakheart III
- Fireeye II
- Graymark II
- Saberthrower V
- Shadowtouch III
- Elderheart III
- Diamondarrow
- Grayearth III
- Greenblade III
- Arrowbreaker V
- Bonestaff II
- Spearthrasher III
- Arrowbreaker VI
- Blueseed II
- Pikethrasher V
- Phantomstep II
- Beechheart III
- Daggerbreaker VI
- Spearthrower III
- Starsaber II
- Darkguard
- Stonemace III
- Hardeye IV
- Spearwielder VI
- Macethrower V
- Blackmark II
- Firering IV
- Swordthrasher II
- Bluegarden II
- Staffthruster IX
- Staffwielder III
- Redhand
- Goldmace III
- Jadedagger II
- Stillguard III
- Daggerbreaker VII
- Darkflower II
- Swordwielder III
- Oakmark II
- Beechleaf II
- Swiftcuts
- Blackaxe
- Daggerbreaker VIII
- Littlethorn II
- Blackknife
- Beechwood III
- Bonemark II
- Whiteheart II
- Bloodlance
- Bonestaff III
- Axethrower III
- Swordthruster VIII
- Swordthrasher III
- Silverdagger
- Arrowthrower III
- Blackspear
- Redhammer II
- Arrowthrower IV
- Jadelance
- Lancethrasher II
- Cedarhome II
- Redheart II
- Firemorning I
- Knifethrower V
- Stoneknife II
- Blackmark III
- Knifewielder III
- Bloodspear I
- Bronzemace III
- Arrowthrasher III
- Knifethruster III
- Daggerthruster IV
- Cedarwood II
- Pikethruster V
- Daggerthrasher IV
- Coolheart I
- Eldersilver II
- Clubbreaker IV
- Knifethrower VI
- Spearbreaker III
- Macethrower VI
- Diamondpike II
- Daggerthrasher V
- Clubbreaker V
- Whiteeye
- Bluestaff
- Blackflower
- Firespear
- Stilleye II
- Oakbranch
- Pikethrasher VI
- Goldwood II
- Phantomtouch
- Starstaff
- Coppershield
- Cedarwood III
- Beechheart IV
- Shadowmover
- Littlestone
- Elmleaf
- Elmgold II
- Bluerod
- Birchbranch II
- Sunring
- Lancethruster III
- Littlecloud
- Birchleaf III
- Clubbreaker VI
- Elmbranch IV
- Pikethrasher VII
- Saberbreaker II
- Goldspear III
- Catseeker
- Dogfoot
- Cooleye
- Swordthrasher IV
- Daggerbreaker IX
- Knifebreaker III
- Cedarhome III
- Fireaxe
- Ghostfingers
- Graysaber
- Greeneye
- Cedarbranch V
- Lancethruster IV
- Whitefish
- Oakwood V
- Saberthruster VII
- Silverarrow
- Greenspot II
- Jademace
- Quicktouch
- Greenford III
- Daggerthruster V
- Stillworm
- Blackclub
- Knifebreaker IV
- Axethrasher III
- Grayseed
- Firemorning II
- Spearthruster II
- Stillmorning
- Cedarheart III
- Yellowpike
- Axethrower IV
- Littleseed
- Spearwielder VII
- Beechheart V
- Saberthruster VIII
- Littlebird
- Coolheart II
- Stoneshield II
- Ironclub III
- Swordthruster IX
- Silversaber II
- Cedargold VI
- Firebody
- Bluespear
- Greenmark
- Grayarrow
- Moonwater
- Redflower
- Saberthruster IX
- Eaglefoot
- Swiftstep
- Saberbreaker III
- Bonepike
- Darkfish
- Bluepike
- Arrowthrasher IV
- Moonhammer
- Stararrow
- Coolskin
- Macethruster IX
- Silversword
- Lancethrasher III
- Fireford
- Blacklash
- Darkbird
- Redclub
- Blackarrow II
- Daggerthrower IV
- Firearrow II
- Clubthrower VII
- Stillmorning II
- Clubwielder V
- Diamondclub III
- Daggerthruster VI
- Macethruster X
- Darkflower III
- Whiteclub III
- Arrowthruster III
- Clubthruster II
- Oaksaber
- Shadowthoughts II
- Dogtooth
- Daggerthrower V
- Pikethrasher VIII
- Swordwielder IV
- Bloodspear II
- Daggerthrasher VI
- Graycloud
- Moonbird II
- Staffthrower IV
- Moonrazer
This entry is from the works of Nancy S. and Steven R. Brandt