User:Race Course Wins

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The High Card

In standard games the ace has the highest value in forming hands. This Race Course Wins Review applies to single cards as well as hands. For example, As Ac is worth more than Ks Kc. This affords the player holding aces a particular assurance that somebody with the same hand type as their own cannot beat them. Abdul and Thorsten are both showing flushes. Abdul feels rather comfortable since he is holding the ace of his suit; he knows he cannot be beaten. Thorsten however has a queen high, and the bets from Abdul are unnerving him a great deal. In this case Abdul holds the nut hand and simply needs to make sensible value bets to maximize his profit.Sitting in the highest position one tends to see a disproportionate number of games won with an ace in the hand than any other card. This is not to say however that this is the natural distribution. Indeed it may more be that people overvalue the ace and tend to play more often with it. This should be noted as a point of caution. The ace is not magical. It sounds silly, but many people, particularly in hold'em tend to think of it as such. A pair of aces is at its heart still a pair. It won't win against three of a kind, even three twos.